Predator Free South Westland Newsletter #4
Friday 15 July 2022Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to the fourth Predator Free South Westland newsletter (available as a downloadable PDF, below).
Since our last update, the Predator Free South Westland project has achieved a major milestone: the completion of the South Ōkārito predator elimination operation!
This means that we are now focused on the long-term protection of the site against predator reinvasion, to help rowi and other taonga species to thrive.
Keeping in touch Your ongoing input and support is critical to the success of Predator Free South Westland. Within the last few months we have added two members to the Community team, Wendy Rakete-Stones and Rhianna Hughes Eddy. Expect to hear more from them soon and say hi when you see them around. To get in touch, drop us a line at communitysupport@zip.org.nz. |